SCRA problems with other credit card, mortgage, student, or auto lenders
We are also investigating potential SCRA non-compliance with other lenders involved in credit cards, student loans, auto loans, and home loans.
Please file a confidential report if your experience suggests SCRA non-compliance by a lender, such as:
· Payments made to you because of errors related to the SCRA or military benefits.
· Failure to recognize your SCRA eligibility.
· Failure to provide full SCRA benefits (including 6% interest rate).
· Unkept promises about contractual military benefits beyond the SCRA (such as promises to provide a rate below 6%, to apply the discounted rate to debts incurred during active duty, or to continue the rate past active duty).
Thank you for your assistance.
The following form is confidential.
Please note that submission of a report does not by itself create an attorney-client relationship.